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Hey friends I just finished making my commercial and let me tell you it wasn’t all that easy. First off, the video tutorials did little to help me figure out how to operate audacity because it was all about Garageband. Eventually with enough messing around with the buttons I was able to put both my tracks on the same audio file. Figuring out what tracks to use was really something I had to think about for a while before deciding on the two I used. I decided on using instrumentals instead of the actual song because not everyone is a fan of the music I listen to, but I hope everyone could at least appreciate the beats. As far as splicing goes it wasn’t all that difficult but for some reason the delete key on my keyboard was not working one minute and working the next, so it became a little frustrating. I will admit, cross fading the songs was a little hard to grasp at first, but I figured it out in the end. All I had to do was use the envelope tool and my problems were solved. Making the song lower in volume while I was talking was also a little difficult but it was pretty easy when I figured out it was a lot like the cross fading. With all that being said I don’t think my commercial came out that great but it wasn’t terrible. For some reason there was a hard cut after I started recording and I couldn’t seem to figure out how to remove it. I do think I got out the message that I wanted to convey though so it wasnt all that bad. I’m sure if I use audacity more I’d have a much easier time splicing and editing different tracks.